Our Programmes

The Yorubas of Nottingham Nottinghamshire as a not-for-profit community interest association has executed and continues to implement community projects aimed at providing social values to the community and to ensure the well-being of its members. Some of the projects the Association had executed or continues to execute include the following:

  • Food Bank Project
  • Food Booth project
  • Visits/Donations to the Homeless, Schools and Care Homes
  • Jeunsoke Food Project
  • Akomolede Academy Programme
  • Social Eating Programme
  • Magazine Publishing Project

Our Food Bank Project was launched on Wednesday 22nd November 2017. The programme was aimed to help the homeless and to combat poverty and hunger across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.  It is our belief that no one in our community should have to face going hungry. Our members contributed food stuffs, clothes, toiletries, provisions, and money which were then given out to the homeless and the indigent people in our local areas.

The Food Bank Programme was executed successfully. However, in order to make it more organised and professionally identify real people in need, the Association stopped direct Food Bank project and started to make donations to registered Food Bank Organisations that operate within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

The Association launched the Food Booth Project on Tuesday 19th March 2019.  The project was aimed at making food commodities available to people at affordable prices in order to combat hunger and poverty within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The programme holds every fortnight on Tuesdays. Each person (or each family) would pay just £5 to collect varieties of quality food commodities worth more than £40 twice in the month.

The Yorubas of Nottingham Nottinghamshire has been contributing immensely to the less privileged and vulnerable individuals in the local areas. This is achieved through our consistent visits to the homeless, schools and the care homes within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to donate essential commodities to them. The Association recently visited Emmanuel House Support Centre and a School on Thursday 16th June 2022 during which we donated varieties of provisions, toiletries, and food items.

The Yorubas of Nottingham Nottinghamshire launched the Jeunsoke Food project on Wednesday 23rd December 2020. The project was launched as a palliative measure to alleviate the suffering of people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire due to the trauma and unprecedent challenge of Covid-19 pandemic. The Association distributed quality and culturally appropriate free food parcels to the community members to cushion the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the lives of people. The project was adapted to meet the needs of people during the strange and difficult period.

The Jeunsoke Food Project was funded by the Government in Partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund.

The Akomolede Academy is a programme aimed at teaching our children aged 5 years and above the core Yoruba language, traditions, norms, beliefs, and values. Akomolede Academy started officially as classroom-based on Saturday 7th November 2020 after a national lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic. The lessons were however changed to Microsoft Teams due to the introduction of another national lockdown. The classroom lessons however resumed after the national lockdown ended.

The Akomolede Academy was a highly rewarding experience for our children as they had fun and enjoyed learning the rudiments of Yoruba language traditions, norms, beliefs, and values during the lessons both in-class and on Microsoft Teams.

The Akomolede Academy Programme was sponsored by the Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC).

Our Social Eating Programme aims to provide the opportunities for members and the less privileged to gather to eat together communally. Each occasion makes people to have a sense of belonging. They also make new friends as they eat together. It is a means of reducing social isolation among members and the people in the community, especially those that are 50s.

Our Social Eating Programme will no doubt increase bonding, feelings of well-being, and enhance people’s connections in the communities.

Yorubas of Nottingham Nottinghamshire publishes its YONN magazine which is meant to bring more awareness to people of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and the entire Yoruba people in United Kingdom. The magazine provides the opportunities for the business community to showcase their products and services through promotions and advertisements thereby boosting their clients base and sales.

The proceeds from the sales of the Magazine always go into the community projects of the Association in supporting the less privileged in the community.

The first edition of YONN (TYCANN) Magazine was published/launched as part of the programme of activities for the ASA Day Event held on Saturday 30th November 2019.

The next edition of YONN Magazine is currently being produced and will be launched on Saturday as part of programme of activities for the ASA Day 2022.